Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So frustrating...

You never wish for bad results! That would be like cursing yourself. But, at least with bad results you have an answer. Can't I just have an answer?

The EMG was not totally abnormal, but it had what she said were a couple of times where it could have been "slightly" abnormal. WHich, if you knwo the medical feild, unless it is wildly abnormal, the docs dont care... Anyway, she is going to go back and see it again and I will follow up with her Monday to go over everything together...

If you have never had an EMG, let me forwarn you now: Ever stick you fingger in a light socket? ugh.
Of course the muscle part of the test didn't exactly feel like cake and ice cream... Yes, it was a small needle, but it was still a needle, and it went into my muscle and I would contract the muscle. So when it came time to do the right leg it was in the calf muscle, I moved my foot and the calf decided enough was enough and cramped up... I had bad flash backs of pregnancy... Then came the thigh muscle, and it did it too..... Ugh. Owww.. Well, I guess that means they are working... Now if I could just get them to voluntarily work instead of just spontaneous... Anyway, that left my right leg sooooo sore now!! Its been 24 hours and it hurts like I ran 10 miles...

The amino acids were interesting. Every amino acid was normal except Hydroxyproline. It was absent. How do you have an amino acid that is produced by the body be totally absent? Interestingly enough: that particular amino acid is responsible for the structure of collagen. Without it, the collagen breaks down.... Hmmmmmm


No? Really? Hmmmmmm...
What causes EDS?? Oh, thats right. Defective collagen.........

It didn't really answer any questions, and she is still thinking it could be mitochondrial disease. Said we will talk about a muscle biopsy at my appt on Monday.
She wants me to have PFT's (pulmonary function tests) done to evaluate my breathing. I told her it is exertional. PFT won't really pick up much with exertional problems, but I will do it because every basis will be covered!

So here is my serious, but somewhat humorous question for the day:
So if Hydroxyproline is absent and there is no structure to my collagen, is that the reason I sag like a 90 year old?? hehehehe.

God, something has to give!!!! I need rest... I'm tired and tired of trying to be superwoman...

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