Sunday, May 9, 2010

Missing out on the fun!!

My kids went skating yesterday with their best friend who's mom flew her out here from North Carolina with her grandpa to spend her birthday with her "Texas friends". It was so much fun! Friday night we all had a giant "sleepover" at Theo's house where she was staying. We had 10 kids total in that house! It was awesome! You know with 4 kids you can tell who's fighting and screaming and it gets frustrating, but once you have ten, there's really not that much fighting! hahaha Everyone finds someone to play with, and there's so much chaos and noise and movement that everything else gets blocked out and as a parent you forget which kid's yours. Time flies when 10 kids are together! hahaha. It was a lot of fun. Maybe I should've had more kids! =)

Picnic at the park, then skating at the rink and then pizza and cake and then exhaustion! haha. It was great. I used to love skating! It was one of my favorite things to do! I was very sad not to be able to join them. But, someone had to take pictures! =)
Man I am beat to the core today! Of course with all the pictures being taken I realized just how horrible I am looking... I don't know how to fix it... Oh well.

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